high school volunteer opportunities

My kid is 9th grade now. College application requires volunteer hours. What kinds of volunteer opportunities are available ? I prefre some opportunities which he can do it regularly. Any pareents have ideas ?

 College application

 College application 不仅要求volunteer hours,也要看volunteer 做的什么事,是自己有passion的,还是为了几个hours 做的。即使别人都能做的,也要做得喝别人不一样,做出自己的特色来。

能做的volunteer work 实在太多了。找到适合自己孩子的,还真的是门学问。很难一两句话讲好。需要孩子喝家长一起做功课。

any book or web site to study

any book or web site to study ?

 先看看这个网站 http://bayecho.com/n

 先看看这个网站 http://bayecho.com/node/601 吧。

或者google “olunteer","intern" 等。

如果你需要professional service, please send QQH to me.

