怎么控制孩子玩computer game的时间

我家老二addicted to computer games. 暑假里他每天玩几个小时,现在我们达成协义, 每天玩一小时,周末经常无限制。他每天也有游泳, 钢琴等, 可是还有不少时间, 我觉得一小时是可, 可是他没有玩的时侯经常心不在意,做作业只讲速度,不讲质量, 常常在学校就全部做完, 这样回家有时间玩game。 他玩的最多的是facebook,另外一个combatarm,我最想限制他玩, 暴力打抢游戏。 他才四年级, 我真害怕他以后被computergame担务了。 大家有什么建意吗?那些有teenage的妈妈, 你们是怎么做的呢?


这是一个老大难问题,我们家老大玩computer games那是有点疯狂,高中了还玩的不亦乐呼,我为这件事跟他吵过,闹过,都没止住,他属于晚熟的孩子,现在上大学了,回顾自己的高中生活,后悔之一就是,玩的太多,没work hard。






You might want to spend time

You might want to spend time with him on other activities that divide his attention.  It won't be effective if you just tell him not to play computer games.

We have a 3rd grader who hasn't played much computer games at home; we don't have wii, xbox, nintendo or computer games.

One time when he was at first or second grade, he brought home a stack of paper drawings. After spending some time playing with him, I realized that these drawings were game designs he learned from watching other kids play at after-school:  I was told to trace some path, or find some treasures on each piece of paper in order to advance to the next 'level'; there were also traps to set you back to an earlier 'level'. It was quite fascinating. But paper games it remained.

There are things beside computer games which could occupy a child just as much.

Recently my son is hooked on listening to audio recordings of his favorite Oz series of books.  He has read almost all books of this series before, but he has got into another 'cycle' of attachment to this series again.  He would listen to chapter after chapter of these recordings before starting on piano or homework.  Fortunately, there are only so many audio Oz books online; I am sure he will move on to something else soon.


玩儿game就像我们每天上网一样,我们来这网上干吗?不就是所谓的“social". game 是小孩儿之间的“social "方式,他们每天在学校里聊的就是各种game, facebook 上聊得也多是game。 不玩儿game 的是不是就会和其他孩子少很多“共同语言”,进而没有或少了朋友呢?别砸我啊!这些都是藤妈Goodmorning 给我灌输的理论,她儿子game,学习两不误,一路“藤校”, 现已在Yale 研究生院了。她儿子的一帮哥们儿, 也都是一起玩儿game 长大的,都很优秀。当然,她对她儿子玩game 的时间控制的很好。我赞同她的理论不是爬藤,是觉得人离不开朋友圈子(我自个就这样,朋友少了都不行),小孩也有他的圈子。我赞同玩game, 但是要有条件,不做完正经事,不必考虑。






I use the Windows control

I use the Windows control panel to set weekly computer time usage (from Administrative account)  for my two kids and post the printout on the printer.  They know when they can use the computer everyday.  It works well.  Occasionally my daughter asks for more and I just change it on the control panel.  It is  a bit of hassel, but it eliminates the headache fighting.  


老二在学校很popular, 玩了一手好game经常有朋友打电话给他请教怎么玩,因此我被评为nicest mom, 因为给他玩游戏的时间最多。他同学中也有很极端的, 父母平时不让玩game的。

为了让老二少玩game, 我也让他上许多课外活动,他喜欢打球,可是不喜欢reading,所以billytang建议的方法对他没用。也很有意思, 我家老大也玩, 但是不addicted, 没有玩的时侯他enjoy reading.

朋友的女儿十二年级, 她告诉我说,computer game害了不少她们班的同学, 申请大学都太晚了。我担心这种事会发生在老二这样的人身上。

可是我肯定还是做我的"nicest mom"。希望老二大一点了会明白,把主次分好。

静净, 你每天给他们多少时间? window

静净, 你每天给他们多少时间? window control only allow one hour block each time, is it right? Does one Hour include school work time? Do you know how to block certain sites? I want to block the combat arm games, it is really bad, too violent. I tried window control panel, but the blocking site did not work very well.

Any parents out there have experience with softwares for parental control?

blueray, I have a daughter

blueray, I have a daughter who doesn't play much game.  I don't find a problem to block some websites.  By the way, I use Vista.  What's yours?  For the time allocation, I give her two time slots: 2-3pm and 5-6pm.  She finishes school around 2pm, so by the time she gets home, it's around 2:30, she uses the remaining half hour to check email.  Then she does homework, snack, play etc.  She uses the second slot to play or do homework on the computer and right afterward it's supper time!.  Sometimes she can't finish homework within an hour, for example, doing research,  I'll give extra hour (7-8pm because 8pm is piano time!) .  But remember to remove the extra hour afterwards for she can be sneaky and use it next time if you forget.  For the little one is still young so he forgets about computer a lot of time.   I give 4 hours on weekend mornings starting at 8am so she is more motivated to get up early(still around 9am).  It's a lot of pain for sure.  For other parents, if you have better use of the admin function to control your kids access to computer, please share them here.  Appreciated.

blueray wrote:老二在学校很popular,

blueray wrote:
老二在学校很popular, 玩了一手好game经常有朋友打电话给他请教怎么玩,因此我被评为nicest mom, 因为给他玩游戏的时间最多。

也很有意思, 我家老大也玩, 但是不addicted, 没有玩的时侯他enjoy reading.

玩电脑游戏如果能玩出个名堂,也很有成就。老大一同学,由于酷爱玩电脑游戏,就成立了一个Computer Game Club. 昨晚Lynbrook 各个不同的club像新同学和家长们展示自己的club,这个电玩俱乐部还真的挺像样的。这个同学的目标是-----Stanford. 他的功课也很好。对了,他是白人+ 日本人。




Thanks everyone for your

Thanks everyone for your response.

静净,we are using windows 7.  Your input is very useful.

Hotchili, sorry about the misspelling of your name last time, 现在我中文水平和英文都很糟糕,以后posting得先spelling check.

Games as art paper 太高深,恐怕很多小孩都读不懂,跟别说写了,but thanks for sharing.

