大学生谈他们的大学生活(七): Stanford University

这是BayEcho的Teenager做的一个社会调查,Stanford 新生的心声:

What is the name of the institution you attend and what year are you currently at the school? Additionally, please provide any information pertaining to your relevant background i.e. high school, ethnicity and gender. All of your answers to the questions below will greatly help parents with prospective students separate the reality from myth of different colleges.
Stanford University, Freshman, Bayeare HS, Chinese, Female
1. What were your expectations of your college in terms of its academic and social culture? How did your time at this institution stack up to your expectations?
Academically—I expected college to be really academically vigorous because I knew a lot of my peers were intelligent and among the top students at their own high schools. In that sense, college hasn’t met those expectations because the academics aren’t are difficult as I expected them to be. Though the content of the classes is certainly difficult, the academics aren’t as much a focus compared to social aspects of being at school, so classes end up seeming less difficult, if that make sense.
2. In your personal experience, what is the drug scene (excluding alcohol) at the college like? Please give estimates of the percentage of people that use them. What are the disciplinary actions taken towards student who are caught using substances?
There isn’t a lot of hard drug usage at Stanford, and I’ve never personally heard of or seen anyone using any of the more dangerous drugs outside of one instance. What is more common is marijuana, which maybe about 30% of the student body uses recreationally. Stanford has a very lenient drug policy, and I don’t think there would be any disciplinary repercussions for students who are caught smoking marijuana by an RA, for instance. Campus police might have some sort of disciplinary punishment, but I don’t think punishing marijuana use is a priority for them, and I’ve never heard of it.
3. In your personal experience, what percentage of people drink on a regular basis (at least once or twice a week) at your college? What are the disciplinary actions taken towards students who are caught drinking?
Around 60-75% of students probably drink regularly. Stanford’s alcohol policy is VERY lenient compared to other schools, because their understanding is that students at any university will drink alcohol regardless of how strict the repercussions of that drinking is. Thus, they instead accept that drinking will happen and try to encourage it to be done in the safest environment possible. So, if students drink, our only policy is to have your dorm door open.
4. What are some of the most significant differences between your college and high school experiences?
Definitely less of a competitive environment academically at college than there was at high school. People are more open and willing to help you out when you don’t understand something.
5. What do you like most about your college? And conversely what do you enjoy the least about it?
Most—how friendly people are and the fact that most people subscribe to the idea that learning is best done with other people. Also, the focus on creating well-rounded people, that have great social lives, do well academically, and are really involved in activities.
Least—Quarter system is hard and inconvenient.
6. What are some of the most important things you feel students should know or do going into college? What about going to your college?
Students should just be open-minded; any college experience is probably going to be a lot different than high school was, and the key to doing well in college and having a good time is being able to adapt and learn from your environment.




