逾越节的宴席 The Passover Haggadah (一)

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      今年的逾越节是4月18到26日。一个月前我签了带孩子一起参加这个逾越节的potluck的。谁知我把它给忘了,竟然约了朋友在同一天的晚8:00 碰头的。说是6:30开始potluck。我想咱也参加了无数的potluck了,咱早点走就是了。出乎我的意料,这次宴席是从未有过的庄重,震撼人心。我坚持到了最后,有手机拍了录像,可惜手机的空间不够用。也拍下了几张照片。








Jeff 作为首领开始朗诵:

[leader] Tonight we are participating in a festival of freedom that has been celebrated continuously for over 3,500 years. We recall how how God delivered His people from slavery in Egypt. We also remember Jesus, our Passover Lamb, who freed us from our bondage to sin. 今天我们参加一个自由的宴席,来庆祝3500年延续下来的一个节日。我们回顾神怎样把祂的子民从埃及做奴隶救赎出来。我们也几年耶稣,我们逾越节的羔羊,他使我们从罪的捆绑中释放出来。
In preparation for Passover, many clean their homes thoroughly. They search with a candle for anything containing yeast such as bread, and remove it. Since yeast in the Bible represents sin, cleansing the house of yeast reminds us to cleanse our lives of sin -- to search sin out and get rid of it. The candle represents God's Word. When we let God's light shine into our hearts, it reveals any sin we may have. Then we can ask God to cleanse us of it, and He will.在预备逾越节时,他们要彻底清扫他们的家。他们要用蜡烛找房间里有没有酵(如在面包里),并出去它。蜡烛代表神的话。当我们让神的光照亮我们的心,它会除去我们的罪。然后我们可以请求神清洁我们,祂就会的。

[.    ] As it is written:"Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast -- as you really are. For Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore, let us keep the Festival, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness, but with bread without yeast, the bread of sincerity and truth." 1 Cor. 5:7-8


[leader] What is Passover? It is a festival of freedom commemorating God's deliverance of the Children of Israel from slavery in Egypt. What does this have to do with us? God is still in the business of freeing people from slavery. 逾越节是一个自由的节日,纪念神把祂以色列的子民从埃及为奴解救出来。神仍然在解救人们出奴役。
Jesus the Messiah celebrated the Passover with His disciples just before He was arrested and crucified. He explained to them God's plan to free mankind from their enslavement to sin. He told them to remember His death and resurrection in what we now call "communion" or "the Last Supper." He used the Passover elements of bread and wine to signify His body and blood. 弥赛亚耶稣在他被抓和被钉十字架之前和祂的门徒一起庆祝逾越节。祂向他们解释神把人类从罪中救赎出来的计划。祂告诉他们要纪念祂的死和复活,即我们现在讲的“最后的晚餐。”祂用逾越节的面包和葡萄汁来预表祂的身体和血。
As we retell the story tonight, we will use some unusual items. These special Seder items will help us experience the truth of God's plan of Salvation through what we see, smell, taste, and hear. 正如我们今晚复述这个故事我们将使用一些不寻常的物品。这些特殊的Sedar 物品将帮助从,香,尝味,听,来经历的拯救计划的真相。
[leader] The Hebrew day begins and ends with sunset. As it is written:"And there was evening and there was morning -- the first day." Gen. 1:3G 希伯来的日子计算是从晚上开始。因为经上记着:“有晚上,有早晨,这是头一日。”创世纪1:3
That is why the Passover celebration begins at sunset with the lighting of the candles. The mother of the home lights the candles and says a blessing. 这是为什么逾越节的庆祝要用点亮的蜡烛从日落时开始。家中的母亲开始点蜡烛并祝福。

